We were asked to write a blog about how we were called to this mission trip.
Here’s my story…
As I shared briefly in my bio, I have been so blessed to be able to participate on several mission trips. Through these, I have realized that God is calling me to the mission field. This was most clear during a mission trip to Guatemala I went on in July 2008. The fact that I was able to go on this trip was a miracle.
Ever since this trip was introduced, I felt that I was meant to go. It was different from all the other mission trips I had gone on. The length of the trip was longer, fewer people were on the team, and only two leaders were leading us. It was more out of my comfort zone then any other trip I had been on and I knew it would be more of a challenge to me. I was so excited to go on this trip and I looked forward to it even more then my graduation.
After graduation, the school staff had planned an all night “grad party” for all the graduates. It was there that I injured myself due to an accidental fall. I wound up in the hospital, paralyzed from the waist down. There was no change in my condition for 10 days, and I tried to hold onto hope as long as I could. A week and a half before the trip, I broke down. I cried out to God for an answer. I wept as I asked Him to confirm to me that I was going on this trip, or give me peace if I wasn’t meant to go. My heart broke as I prayed that prayer.
However, as I continued to pray, my toes began to wiggle. This was the first movement I had from the waist down in days. I knew at that point that I was going to Guatemala, and in a week and a half, we were on a plane.
In Guatemala, I found the reason for my being able to go there. I met a boy who had been paralyzed from the waist down and was hopeless. My heart broke for him and his family. It was so humbling to see that God had put us there to bring him hope; and because I had been in his position, I was able to relate to him so much more then I ever could have before.
Seeing the awesome things God did and how he used us on that trip helped me to realize how much I wanted to go into missions long term. I definitely didn’t want to leave Guatemala and I wanted to return to the mission field as soon as I got home. I found the FYM Program and see it as my perfect next step into long term missions. At this point, I have 9 months until I leave for Africa, and I am glad to have this time to get to know my fellow teamates and prepare myself spiritually, emotionally, and physically for this trip.