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Expectations of my Mission Trip

We were asked to write a blog about how we felt before leaving on this mission trip. Here is what I’m expecting…
i expect God to use myself and my teammates in ways we never thought we could be used

i have no clue what that looks like, but God does. there is a reason why each of us is on this team, and i am so excited to see how He uses us. i pray for faith to do whatever He calls us to do, even when we are unsure of the result.       
i expect to be challenged more then ive ever been challenged before

the times when i have grown the most spiritually is when God has challenged me. when my faith is challenged, i realize how much more i need to draw close to God in those times. also, there’s a challenge for me to not get distracted when there is so much going on around me. i pray that God will use these challenges to help me become MORE in tune with what He is saying to me through His word and prayer.
i expect my comfort zone to be streched while i learn more and more about stepping out in faith
i love to see where i have learned and grown in the past when i have stepped out of my comfort zone. there is always room for more growth and i am excited to for God to show me the areas in my life where He wants me to grow more. i pray that i am able to see ways that i can step more out of my comfort zone and that i have enough faith to do that.
i expect my heart to be broken 

The devestation caused by AIDS is a reality in southern Africa.  

i am a huge people person and i have always wanted to be a nurse. it is going to be hard for me to see what AIDS is doing to the people of Africa, especially to the children who have been ripped from their families by this disease. the statistics are sad enough, but to put faces to the numbers is going to be heart breaking. i pray that God breaks my heart, but gives me a vision of hope to share with the beautiful people there.

i expect to be a change, and am praying about how that might look.
God has plans prepared for me, and will use me to be a change. change doesn’t always happen fast, but it starts when people realize that it is needed. a smile or a hug can change a persons day. time spent with someone can change their life. i feel that i am just a small instrument in the change that God is bringing to Africa, and i pray that i can focus on His will in my life.

i expect my relationship with God to grow deeper

i need to rely on God more in my life. i am dependent on Him, and there are times when i forget that. i need God in everything i do because He is my support and my strength. i will need to hold onto that and learn to draw near to Him in everything. i also need go to Him in prayer more. i need to be in prayer constantly, not just when i am going through a tough time.

i expect a confirmation from God about a possible future in long term missions.

This is one of the main reasons i am going on this trip.  My interest in missions has grown during each of the past mission trips i’ve participated in, and after much prayer, God led me to this trip to Swaziland.  This trip will give me a first-hand view at what a life in missions could look like, and i expect that God will show me the role missions may play in my future. 


  1. I am so proud of you! I am always inspired by your heart and spirit. I pray that God meets each one of these expectations, and uses these experiences to mold you into His image more and more every day.

    Shmatherine =)

    ps – Do you think there might be room for me in your suitcase? I wanna come too!

  2. I have recently also developed a sense of being in missions for the long-term. I am hoping that on this trip I will be guided to one part of ministry that I can be trained for or go to college to learn more about, and then go into the field for as long as God wants to use me. I am excited that you are looking for that confirmation as well. Nice to meet you.

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